Archives for posts with tag: soap

Gelted merino wool hat beanie Grass and flowers

this felted beany was created from merino wool to complement other gray felted items like a butterfly bag and a butterfly scarf I have felted earlier this year. It has beads stitched over and some hand stitching on a green grass bream. The phote is taken in Devonport with the Auckland CBD as a back ground.

Felted soap in tin Heards, Red, Orange, Yellow, Romantic

This tin is bigger then the one with a cat, so it fits 3 soaps in shapes of heards. They all wrapped in tissue paper and a little leaflet is included.

I have published it for sale on my Etsy shop, here

All for now,


Felted Soap in tin Black Cat, colors orange and green

These felted soaps are very cute, and tin fits exactly two of them. I have been doing them for a while, mixing and mutching colours and shapes. Cats can be white, black or ginger, heards can be red or black, and pumpkin is a pumpkin – orange.

I published it on Etsy, here is a link


As promised I post photos of organic felted soap.

organic felted soap melon and oranges design

organic felted soap floral design